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Joined on 4/27/08

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FazzleMan's News

Posted by FazzleMan - April 19th, 2009

McFlabby! Some crappy animation I made.
Vote 5!

Posted by FazzleMan - April 6th, 2009

Okay, not that anybody is going to end up reading this BUT...
Our (when I say "Our" i mean Kwing, Rivz, Drazerclaw, Plazma, and myself) new game "Arr Pea Gee" is finally getting somewhere. (The delay was basically all my fault. Imma really lazy)
I've animated almost all of the 16 attacks (Why the hell does Kwing want so many attack possibilities??)
And after we get that done, Kwing just has to finish up all the script. Then we can throw in some cutscenes and extras.
For those of you who haven't seen my other posts Arr Pea Gee (pronounced RPG) is an RPG game (duh) in which you try and defeat the most powerful people in the flash world......... The flash authors themselves.
Yup, all the people who are creating this game are going to be level bosses that you can kill!

Gonna be kool.

Posted by FazzleMan - March 8th, 2009

So, I sent in a question on their website, not expecting to get an answer. BU I DID!!!!
(shut up, this is a big deal for me. These guys are my idols.)
Pics hard to read so if u want to see it better <a> http://www.islandrecords.com/site/arti st_newsinfo.php?uf_item_id=3-1729168&u f_system_id=3&page=2&artist_id=259 <a>

Also, Arr Peh Geh, is coming along just as slowly as expected.

I (sort of) Talked to Cone, the bassist from Sum 41!

Posted by FazzleMan - January 28th, 2009

Okay, so me, Kwing, Plazma1, Drazerclaw, and Rivz are staring production on our newest and biggest game "Arr pea gee" (RPG)
I'm doing a lot of the graphics for it. I'm in charge of animating and drawing all of the attacks (all 16 of them, and thats just for the main charecter) I'm really happy to be working with multiple people on this one, its gonna be fricken sweet!

Catch ya on da flip side,

Posted by FazzleMan - December 31st, 2008

First of all, Let me get my noobish exciment out of the way
Thanks to all the awesome people who voted my submissions score down, and the even awesomer people who got my reveiw score up, my short cartoon, "Why anime sucks" Has won Underdog of the week!

Okay, new game time.
This is an idea that I've been sitting on for a while. My good buddy Kwing and I are going to be making an RPG + Adventure game. We came up with a pretty original concept.
I get to do the graphics and Kwing has shown me his pretty sick idea for the fighting engine. (Its got 16 possible attacks!!!) I also get to do the story so I've started making sort of a storyboard to show what I think it should look like and how the story progresses.
Can't wait to really get cracking on it.
Thanks again for the underdog NG!

Posted by FazzleMan - December 29th, 2008

So yeah, I've been doing graphics for my buddy Kwing's new game Hoverman. Made a bunch of backrounds for him (going crazy with filters) & I'm really proud of the lava I made him for the last level. Just gotta make a nighttime themed level for him. <(^-^<)

Posted by FazzleMan - December 2nd, 2008

OKAY! I'm back in buisness, starting to work on my first animation (other than "the missing B" which i did for clockday) starring everybody's favorite little black dot with eyes, SMIDGE!. Just now starting the storyboarding. Hopefully it'll be done in time for the 25th.

Posted by FazzleMan - October 18th, 2008

New game i made when i was bored. Kill FazzleMan!

Posted by FazzleMan - September 22nd, 2008

coming soon.

Posted by FazzleMan - August 8th, 2008

Well, since Smidge had such great scores (well, great for my standards) i thinks im gonna go ahead and start working on Smidge 2. Hopefully it'll be much better than smidge 1. stay tuned!